Tow Truck Service
During your life, there is a high chance at some stage, you will require the assistance of a tow truck. Regardless of the type of vehicle you own, how new or old it is, or even how fancy or expensive it is. Most vehicles in their lifetime will experience a breakdown and often during the most inconvenient of times. When this occurs we suggest having the number of a trusted towing company on hand and ready to call, so you are not left stranded for too long. Houston Towing and Recovery has the state of the art equipment, top quality tools, trained and experienced technicians, and the most affordable pricing to get you out of a pickle regardless of how big or small.
Different types of tow trucks
Several different types of tow trucks can be used. The one you need will depend on the situation around your need for a tow. Each type of truck offers different benefits and can tow different types of vehicles. Flatbed tow trucks are some of the most commonly used tow trucks. This has a large empty bed on top with hydraulics that moves a vehicle up towards the bed. It is most commonly used for vehicles that have broken down. An integrated tow truck is mainly used for heavy-duty purposes. Vehicles such as heavy rigs or buses. Hook and chain tow trucks are used for a variety of cargo, however, it is most commonly used to transport vehicles that have been in a wreck and being transported to the dump. Wheel lift tow truck is similar to the hook and chain truck but has a metal yoke instead.
Will towing harm your vehicle?
This question is probably one of the most common questions that we get from customers who require a two but are concerned about harm to their vehicle. The quick answer is no! Your vehicle is perfectly safe and provided you use a professional company you will not have any damage done to your vehicle. While older methods of towing did cause damage, there have been major improvements since then and with our fully trained and professional team who know how to hook your vehicle up to safely move it, your prized possession will be safe and unharmed.
How long will it take to get to me?
Often when someone requires a tow it is urgent and requires a tow as soon as possible, whether it is in the middle of the night or on a busy road and you are holding up traffic you will require a quick turnaround time. Our team is not only known for our affordable rates and high-quality service but our speedy assistance. 24 hours a day our team is dedicated to helping you and your towing needs.
Where will your car be taken?
Where we take your car will depend on your situation and quite simply where you need it to go. If you have been in a wreck, we will transport your vehicle to the closest and preferred mechanic for your insurance. If your vehicle's battery is dead or broken down and you would like it transported to any location we can do that too.